The Problem of Inequality
I hear a lot of young people blame the inequalities of the world on ‘capitalism’ and the ‘patriarchy’, however, this assumption is far from truth.
When people blame the patriarchy on inequalities, they are taking a small sub-set of males who are hyper-productive and hyper-intelligent and using them to generalise the entire population of men. We can disprove the patriarchy argument by simply pointing out that there are a small portion of women who make significantly more money than most of the men. In addition, most people who end up in prison are men, most people who commit suicide are men, most people who die in wars are men and men do worse in school.
The argument for capitalism being at fault for the inequalities of the world can be disproved by looking at the Pareto principle. The Pareto principle, or better known as the 80/20 rule, is a phenomenon that states that 80% of outcomes are produced by 20% of causes.
💰 20% of people occupy 80% of the wealth
🤝 20% of salespeople are responsible for 80% of company sales
🏦 20% of employees produce 80% of the work
🌏 20% of nations control 80% of global GDP
✍️ 20% of academics write 80% of papers
📈 20% of companies in any given field take up 80% of the market share
🎨 20% of artists create 80% of the work that people consume
Inequality is a problem, and research shows that the happiness of entire nations depend largely upon how equal an economy is, however, due to something like the Pareto principle being a natural phenomenon that seeps its way into every facet of life, inequality isn’t as easy to solve by getting rid of men or capitalism.
Under any system, you are going to see inequality. And, if you think systems like communism or socialism do any better, then think again. You would think that the bloodshed of the 20th century under socialist/communist regimes were enough to prove to people that these systems wont solve the problems that we care most about. In fact, these systems sometimes have the complete opposite effect of what they intend to achieve.
So how can we solve inequality and ensure that no matter your gender or race, you get a fair and equal shot in society? — well, we dont know because its not that simple. But what we do know is that capitalism and men are not to blame.